The Lady with the dog, by Anton Checkhov
Rating: 9 / 10
I could not feel bored because the subject matter of this story was 'love' and 'playboy'. Also, the fast and dramatic development of the story helped me not to feel bored, too. The first thought I had after reading this story is the idea of marriage. In the book, both Gurov and Anna were married, but they met each other and realized that they were true love. I think marriage is something that can only be done after meeting true love, and I wondered if it was okay to get married if love also changes, just as there is no "true love" and people's feelings always change.
Marriage is a pledge to love each other forever, but it is also a restraint against oneself not to love others. It can be seen as a kind of precommitment. If love is a momentary emotion and has an easily changing personality, I thought about whether it is okay to marry which has characteristics of self-restraint. (165 words)
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